Inilah model frigate yang akan dibuat (ditawarkan) Lockheed Martin Amerika Serikat untuk Arab Saudi (Royal Saudi Navy). Model frigate ini ditunjukkan dalam Simposium Nasional Surface Navy Association’s (SNA) 2016, yang digelar di Washington DC.
Frigate ini memiliki fitur : Satu meriam Oto Melara 76mm main gun, 8 Harpoon anti-ship missiles (in two launchers), 2×8 MK41 VLS cells (on each side of the helicopter hangar), a SeaRAM on top of the hangar, two triple torpedo launchers and what looks like two Mk38 turrets. Dimungkinkan tambahan satu remote weapon stations (RWS), Nexter’s Narwhal 20mm RWS.
Dua radar CEROS 200 dan optronic tracking fire control director, buatan Saab: One forward (on top of the deck house) and the other one back aft, between the harpoon launchers and the SeaRAM system.
Sensor : Airbus D&S TRS-4D AESA Radar, a Variable Depth Sonar (likely Thales CAPTAS type), Saab Ceros 200 radar and optronic tracking fire control director, Argon ST WBR-2000 Electronic Support Measure and Threat Warning System. The combat management system sama dengan yang terpasang di LCS Freedom class AS: The COMBATSS-21 by Lockheed Martin.
Ruang modular di bawah helicopter deck (mission bay area). Ruang untuk melepas perahu karet RHIB dan atau satu variable depth sonar. Lockheed Martin mengatakan desain final masih alam pengerjaan. Hull size and shape, propulsion system, power output, helicopter hangar dan sebagainya sama dengan kapal LCS Freedom class U.S. Navy.