Rusia membangun empat frigate proyek 22350 atau Admiral Gorshkov class. Frigate sepanjang 130 m dan bobot 4.500 ton ini dapat melaju hingga 30 knot (56 km/jam) dan jangkauan jelajah 4.000 mil laut (7.408 km). Frigate ini dipersenjatai dengan :
- 1 × 130mm Amethyst/Arsenal A-192M naval gun with rate of fire of 45 rds per minute [7]
- 2 × 8 UKSK VLS cells fitted with P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26) and/or Kalibr missile system (SS-N-27)
- 32 (4 × 8) Redut VLS cells housing 9M96, 9M96M, 9M96D/9M96DM(M2) family of missiles and/or quad-packed 9M100 short range missiles
- 2 × Palash CIWS
- 2 × 4 330mm torpedo tubes for Paket-NK anti-torpedo/anti-submarine torpedoes
- 2 × 14.5mm MTPU pedestal machine guns